A tale of a sheep station in outback Australia…
Charles Trench Armstrong was the 11th child of John and Ellen Armstrong. He arrived in Australia in 1853 at the tender age of 11. He went to live at Beechworth (Victoria), looking for gold during the day and continuing his education in the evenings. Over the years Charles had an interest in 32 gold mines, however he only earned enough from 3-4 to cover the losses he made in the others.
The family moved to Yarrara in about 1860, and in 1862 Constance Armstrong, Charles older sister and 8th child of John and Ellen Armstrong married Sydney G. Watson. Charles began working for Sydney most likely in mid 1863 at the age of 20. He eventually became an overseer on the property. On Saturday 1st June 1878, when Charles left the employ of Sydney and his home at Tintaldra, Charles wrote “On my own hook at last after being with a few days of fifteen years in the one employ. Come weal, come wo, I’ve elected to work for myself for the future.”
On Tuesday 4th June 1878 Charles Trench Armstrong began the long journey from Tintaldra (near Albury) to Callubri Station, Buddabadah (near Nyngan, NSW). On Saturday 15th June 1878 Charles arrived at Callubri Station “which along the road, save where there is some salt bush is as miserable looking as need be wished…
“We reached the Home stead in good time right glad that our journey had come to an end… We had a look and I must say as far as I’ve gone while not exactly disliking the place, I don’t seem to be delighted, nothing looks very inviting about the place, very little water in the river hole here.”
Charles completed the signing of the papers… Total number of sheep 16932, cattle 356, and horses 10.
“The more I see of this country, the less I like it. In fact I dislike it very much in every way, and thats but expressing my present feelings, I would ten to one sooner live on the Murray, which I now wish I had not left.”
However, Charles stayed at Callubri for the remainder of his life. The station originally consisted of approximately 60,000 acres stretching from the Bogan river to within 7 miles of Nevertire.
Four generations later, Callubri Station has been in the the Armstrong family for 145 years and is now home to fourth generation farmer on the property Michael, his wife Angela Armstrong and their son Eamon.