Whether you want to laze by the pool, explore our walking tracks or throw in a fishing line there are plenty of self-guided activities to suit everyone!

Bushwalking, Mountain Biking or Jogging Tracks
The team here are kept busy with the grader out regularly to keep our tracks clear for tramping adventures. Before you depart be sure to let someone know and pack sunscreen, a hat and lots of water!
Fishing and Yabbying
The Bogan River is teeming with underwater activity. Despite a high population of carp, you may be lucky enough to catch a Yellow-Belly (aka Golden Perch) for dinner! Cast your line from the banks of the Bogan or from one of our vintage row boats. We also have some dams for yabbying so just ask one of our staff if you would like some nets and bait. Yabbies pair perfectly with a little butter, some home-grown lemon myrtle and a local chardy!

Callubri Station is home to plethora of outback bird species. It is a wonderful place for twitchers and casual bird watchers alike. Please ask if you would like to borrow any books on our local birds or a pair of binoculars. The station is home to:
- Large flocks of Pink and Grey Galahs, Twelve Apostles or Lousy Jacks and Top Notch Pigeons.
- White Corellas, Mallee Ring Necked Parrots, Magpies, Peewees, Honey Eater, Finches, Native Doves, Pelicans, Black Swan, Water/Swamp Hens, Ibis, Kingfisher, Butcher birds and Kookaburras.
- Herron, Bittern, Bowerbird, Blackbird, Crows and Ravens, Mud Swallows, Hopping Bob, Fairy Martins, Eastern Rosella, Blue Bonnets, Black Cockatoos, Wood Ducks and Divers.
In early spring you may even spy a flock of baby Emus running behind dad! Look up high to the home of Sparrow Hawks, Brown and Black Kites. You may even be lucky enough to see the king of the raptors, The Wedge Tail Eagle gliding high overhead on thermals.

Kangaroos and Wallabies – We have Western Grey, Red Kangaroos and occasionally Wallaroos which are a darker, shorter wallaby.
Reptiles – We have many scaly friends (and some we would prefer not to make friends with!) here in Outback NSW. We see Carpet (Pythons) and Western Brown, Red Bellied Black, Green Tree and Whip Snakes. Large Goannas, Frill-less Frill Neck Lizards, Geckos, Blue Tongued Lizards and Shinglebacks are also often sighted.
Amphibians – Our river area is home to Green Tree Frogs and Cardinal Frogs.

Vegetation – Callubri Station is located in a region that generally receives less than 400mm a year. Most of the vegetation is xerophytic meaning that it is drought tolerant and includes Wilgas, Eucalypt Red/Yellow/White/Black Box, Currajongs, White Cypress Pines, Warrior Bush, Sandlewood, Budda, Wattle, Belah Trees, River Cooba, Myall, Quandongs, Rosewood, Whitewood, Leopard Wood, Fuscia Bush, and Yarran.
Flowers- Our seasonal bush flowers include Daisies, Billy Buttons, Flannel Flowers, Bogan Lillies and unfortunately the very pretty coloured weed Pattersons Curse!
Creek beds and springs – We have two Ephemeral creeks across our station. They are Bloochers Cowal and Mulla Cowal which head across across the swamp paddock and Euloglen blocks. The creeks are ephemeral because they only run if we receive over 1/2 an inch of rain.
Identification Books and Binoculars – We have several books and also binoculars that we allow our guests to borrow. Please ask at the guest lounge. Click here for further information on our native NSW plants.

The Sunset Lookout
Hop in the car, pack some sundowners and head for the best sunset spot on the property!

We are happy to host photography workshops but also encourage our visitors to bring their cameras and catch their own personal forever moments.
Moon and Star Gazing
One of the most unique things about living in outback NSW is the number cloudless days and starry nights. When it is a full moon you can see the detail of the craters with your naked eye, binoculars or your camera.
The greatest advantage of moon and star gazing is the lack of light pollution caused by city or even and town lights. There is no light pollution interference for visitors because the nearest city is 55 kilometers away.

Guided Activities
If you are travelling with a group and are keen to see more of the farm then consider our Stay and Play packages. These all-inclusive packages include one three hour hosted farm tour each day exploring a different aspect of farm life. Our tours are guided by fourth generation owner of the property Mike Armstrong. Backed by a degree in Agri-Finance Mike has a passion for the land he calls home and loves lots of questions!