Welcome to The Cocky’s Wife @ Callubri Station.
Please enjoy our little culinary treasure trove of healthy recipes with lots more to follow! This page will be home to our food and farm blog, recipe archive, upcoming culinary events and lots more. Please take a look around. If you have anything you would like to see featured here or if you are keen for a little collaboration please let us know! And to be the first to know about our latest news and early access to event tickets, please sign up to our Friends of the Farm below.

All the goodness of wheat in an indulgent risotto.

Light and fresh but oh so satisfying!
The perfect mid season lunch.

A nutty, crispy pancake/waffle pre-mix using our freshly stone-milled wheat!

The perfect healthy start to the day that feels that little bit lux.

When a bit of ‘healthy’ indulgence is required!